4 causalities in another AQAP attack against the Southern forces in Shabwa
Sun, 24-09-2023 11:52 AM, Aden Time
Shabwa (South24)
Earlier this morning, 4 soldiers from the Southern forces were killed in an ambulance explosion using an improvised explosive device believed to belong to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Al-Musaina area in Al-Saieed district of Shabwa governorate.
Exclusive footage from "South24 Center" showed the remains of the ambulance belonging to the Shabwa Defense Forces (a branch of the Southern forces) following the severe explosion that left a hole in the ground.
This is the latest attack by the extremist AQAP organization against the Southern forces. Since the beginning of the year, AQAP launched a series of attacks against Southern forces in Shabwa and Abyan.
Related: A New Video Release By AQAP Targeting the Southern Forces and the UAE
So far, AQAP has not issued any official statement about this operation. This is expected to take place later.
South24 Center
South YemenShabwaSouthern ForcesExplosive deviceAQAPHouthisSTC