The Southern forces in Abyan, October 2022 (South24 Center)

8 Wounded in AQAP Attacks in Abyan and Shabwa


Tue, 04-07-2023 12:08 AM, Aden Time

Abyan (South24) 

Today, 8 members of the Southern forces were injured in attacks likely carried out by AQAP in the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa.

Local source told "South24 Center" that 5 soldiers were injured in a drone attack against the Shabwa Defense Forces in Al-Musina'a area of Al-Saeed district.

In Abyan governorate, 3 soldiers and a civilian were injured when an explosive device exploded in a military ambulance east of Mudiyah district, according to a security source.

These attacks come a day after AQAP released a video that showed some operations against the Southern forces.

The video included scenes of raids and bombings in the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, carried out by the extremist organization during the past weeks.

The video, which lasted more than half an hour, also included inciting speeches against the UAE and STC.

On Sunday, the Yemeni Ministry of Interior announced the arrest of the intelligence official in ISIS in Al-Mahra governorate last Saturday.

AQAP's activity against the Southern forces has remarkably escalated since the beginning of this year, after major defeats the organization suffered in late 2022.

Remote-directed attacks by explosives and drones killed and injured dozens of Southern soldiers.

On the other hand, AQAP had lost fighters and several hideouts.

AQAP also lost its largest military camp in Southern Yemen last September after the Southern forces entered Wadi Oemran, central Abyan.

South24 Center

South YemenAbyanShabwaAQAPSouthern ForcesISISSTC