South Yemen: flooding kills 4 in historical area of Hadramawt

Last updated on: 03-05-2021 at 8 PM Aden Time



Four people died and more than 84 families lost their homes in severe flooding that hit the historical city of Tarim in south-eastern Yemen.

"Torrential rains hit Tarim district starting at 5pm on Sunday, causing severe flooding particularly in areas of Eideed, Al Khalif and Damoon," said The National, according to a local official.

"Four people died, three of them from one family who were buried under the rubble of their house in Eideed," the official said.

The floods destroyed many old houses and trapped dozens of families inside their homes, Tarim resident Amjad Subeih told The National.

Many people suffered injuries, while homeless families were taken to mosques and public schools, he said.

Tarim city is one of the historical sites in Wadi Hadramawt and is about 50 kilometres from Shibam city, a Unesco World Heritage site believed to be the oldest settlement in the world to use such high-rise construction and often referred to as the “Manhattan of the Desert”.

Tarim is considered a religious and academic centre in Wadi Hadramawt, with ancient mud buildings including mosques and palaces packed tightly together, and an old library with collection of 14,000 religious manuscripts.

It was not immediately clear if any of the historical buildings in the city had been damaged by Sunday's floods, officials said.

"Tarim city includes many historical buildings but so far we haven't received any information regarding their state following the floods which hit the region," Hasan Eidid, manager of the General Organisation for the Preservation of Historic Cities in Hadramawt province, told The National on Sunday night.

Activists on social media published pictures that showed the extent of massive destruction of some homes. Rain collected in lakes around mud houses in the city.

The president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidaros Alzubidi, directed the local leadership of the STC in Hadramout "to carry out its responsibilities and help the people of Tarim district in facing the disaster caused by the rains and floods."

Alzubidi also directed the "Relief Committee of the STC.. to provide all kinds of support for the affected people of the City of Tarim and its suburbs,"  said a spokesman for the Council, Ali Al-Kathiri, on Sunday evening.

Heavy seasonal rain has caused flooding in several parts of Yemen for more than two weeks. Besides Hadramawt, deaths and damage to property were reported in Sanaa, Hodeidah and Taez provinces.

Yemen’s Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority has issued several warnings for people to stay vigilant issued statements in recent days.

- Source: The National, south24

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