Al Mukalla: Military Forces Prevent Protesters From Accessing Al Burkani' s Residence

30-07-2021 الساعة 9 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


 South24 (Hadhramaut )

Sources told "South24" that forces from the Second Military Region prevented peaceful demonstrators from organising a protest in front of the residence of the "Outgoing" House of Representatives' Speaker Sultan Al Burkani, on Friday.

The STC in Hadhramaut adopted yesterday an escalatory plan against helding the sessions of the "outgoing" House of Representatives in the city of Seiyun, and to enable Hadhramaut's people to access their wealth, calling the Yemeni government to return to Aden to perform its duties in light of the Riyadh Agreement.

The STC announced that it will organize a popular demonstration Tomorrow in Al Mukalla, calling for all-out civil disobedience next Sunday, at a time when it doesn't appear that the Hadhramaut local authorities will guarantee free expression for peaceful protesters.

Sources told "South24" that the military forces,  surrounding Ramada Hotel, the residence of Al Burkani, prevented media from taking photos

In his Facebook page, the Mukalla Channel Correspondent Basil Bamoes wrote: "the military forces mocked me and threatened to imprison me, in compliance with what they called  strict orders from leaders of the local authorities and the Second Military Region, during practising my journalistic work to cover the protest".

- Photo: Angry Protesters in Al Mukalla, today (Activists)

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