Aden: Security Forces Announce «Purging» Crater from Militants

04-10-2021 الساعة 9 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Aden (South24) 

After violent clashes in Crater, Sirah district, on Saturday, the security committee in Aden governorate announced, on Sunday, full control of the city’s densely populated neighborhoods, while the leader of the “outlaw” armed groups, Imam Al-Silwi, is still at large.

The committee stated that the security forces "are still chasing Al-Silwi and his associates until they are arrested and brought to justice." It called on citizens to "cooperate and report" about their whereabouts.

The governor of Aden, Ahmed Lamlas, had directed the formation of a "committee" to inventory the damages of the Crater events, on a field visit, Sunday, to inspect the city, which witnessed 20 hours of clashes with various types of weapons, and houses and vehicles were damaged by indiscriminate mortar shells fired by the militants.

STC Leaders, under the directions of Aidrous Al-Zubaidi, also inspected a number of Crater neighborhoods, after the clashes ended.

STC leaders inspect the neighborhoods of Crater after the end of the clashes, October 3, 2021 (official)

In its regular meeting today, Monday, the STC Presidency of the Council controlling Aden and neighboring governorates warned against "covering up" Al-Silwi, calling on citizens to report "any information leading to his arrest and bringing to justice."

The Presidency confirmed that the "Crater events" were part of a "political scheme to obstruct the visit of the UN envoy to Aden."

Crater clashes left at least 7 people dead, according to security sources, three of whom were security personnel, while dozens of others, including civilians and a journalist, were wounded.

Damage resulting from the clashes that took place in Crater between security forces and armed men, October 3, 2021 (activists)

The citizens affected by the clashes demanded that the Yemeni government and the local authority of Aden provide them with compensation for what happened to their property, and that Imam al-Silwi and his associates who caused these clashes be brought to justice.

Al-Ayyam daily newspaper prominently titled its front page, "Where is Imam", in response to the citizens' demands.

Observers fear that local and Saudi parties are providing protection for the man. Especially since "Imam" had a close relationship with the leadership of the Saudi-led coalition in Aden. It is not yet clear how accurate these fears are.

It should be noted that the Crater events came after kidnapping of an investigation officer in a police station, on Thursday, by gunmen affiliated with Imam al-Silwi, the former commander of 20th military camp, after being besieged at night. The gunmen stipulated the release of one of the wanted men in order to release the officer.

Similar clashes erupted in March 2020, which ended with the Southern Storm Forces taking control of the 20th Camp and the defeat of Imam al-Silwi and his members, following accusations of his involvement in the physical killing of activists, torturing others, and blackmailing merchants and shops.

According to security sources, it was agreed to expel Al-Silwi and his gunmen from Crater after those clashes, but a "mediation" led by military leaders close to the Saudi forces in Aden brought him back as commander of the Central Bank Guard, in addition to the commander of the protection of the headquarters of the Saudi forces in Burayqah. 

South24 Center for News and Studies 

Photo: Aden governor and the head of the security committee, Ahmed Lamlas, accompanied with the security director, Mutahar Al-Shuaibi, on an inspection visit in Crater, Aden, October 3, 2021 (official)

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