US Ambassador Visits Hadramout

The governor and ambassador met at the local authority. April 18, 2023 (official)

18-04-2023 الساعة 7 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Hadramout (South24) 

Today, US ambassador to Yemen Steven Fagin visited the oil-rich Hadramout governorate in South Yemen for the third time in less than a year.

Fagin held a meeting with the Governor of Hadramout, Mabkhout bin Madhi, at the local authority headquarters in the coastal city of Mukalla.

The governorate's media said that Fagin and Bin Madhi discussed Hadramout's situation in the financial, administrative and security aspects, as well as anti-corruption programs and enhancing transparency and accountability.

In video statements, Fagin said: "I am happy to return to Hadramout to confirm Washington's support for Yemenis and the people of Hadramout as well. This governorate is one of the most stable areas in the country."

The ambassador expressed his country's support for "Saudi and other regional efforts to put an end to the conflict in Yemen and push for a peaceful political process between the Yemeni parties as the only solution to the crisis."

The Governor said, "I spoke with the US ambassador about the Coast Guard, countering terrorism and many issues, and we also discussed Washington's role in ending the conflict in Yemen."

Fagin visited Hadramout on November 9 and June 27 last year. The governorate, which are characterized by natural resources, has received ambassadors and other diplomats from China, France and Britain during the past months.

South24 Center

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