The closing ceremony of the Southern Consultative Meeting (official)
08-05-2023 الساعة 5 مساءً بتوقيت عدن
Aden (South24)
The Southern parties signed today, in the capital city Aden, the Southern National Pact (SNP) and a number of important documents, after days of discussions in the Southern Consultative Meeting (SCM).
The closing statement of the SCM stated that 4 main documents were signed today by representatives of the Southern political parties, civil society institutions and independents, foremost of which is the SNP.
The "Draft Directions of the Political Vision for the Current Stage" document, the "Foundations and Controls for the Next Political Negotiation" document, and the "Foundations for Building the Next Federal Southern State" document were also signed.
The last document defines the federal system as the form of the state sought by Southerners. The final statement said that the number of participants in the SCM reached (330) from the political and party parties, civil society organizations and independents.
The statement stressed the promotion of reconciliation and tolerance among Southerners, and the renunciation of tribal revenge and fighting. The statement appreciated the sacrifices of the Southern Armed Forces and recommended developing their military capabilities to defend South.
The statement called on Arab countries and the regional and international community to "respect the aspirations of the people of South."
Southern National Pact
In a copy reviewed by "South24 Center", the Southern National Pact included three axes: The "General Governing Foundations and Principles", "South Issue", and "General Provisions".
The SNP stipulated that "the Southern state is built on the basis of a federal, democratic, civil, Arab and Islamic state, and the political system of the state is based on the principle of separation of powers and political pluralism".
"The criminalization of the establishment of political parties on religious, sectarian, ethnic, or regional basis, and the consolidation of the values of tolerance, moderation, coexistence, and acceptance of others," the statement added.
The statement stressed that "the people of South decide the name of their desired state in the referendum on the constitution," pointing out that "the people of South have sovereignty and their will is the source of all legitimacy or a fateful decision."
The SNP included clauses such as "adopting dialogue as a single approach to resolving differences and disagreements, turning the pages of painful cycles of political violence and burying them, and addressing the conditions of the affected, the wounded and the families of martyrs".
The SNP affirmed the "criminalization and prohibition of all forms of extremism, fanaticism and religious extremism, countering terrorism through a comprehensive national strategy in the future state of South targeting its ideological and financial sources".
The SNP emphasized on "enabling women to exercise all their rights and participate alongside men," and "supporting the re-formation of associations and federations for women and youth".
The statement stressed respect for the historical and cultural specificities of the various regions of South, and the official adoption of the Mahri and Socotra languages in their region.
Regarding the status of South Issue at the present time, the SNP said: "South Issue is a land and human issue resulting from the collapse of the unity and occupation. Its representation in the settlement process under the auspices of the United Nations must be within an independent framework."
"South Issue is a priority according to bilateral peer negotiations between South and North, and the Northern parties have no right to interfere or influence the formation of the Southern negotiating team," the statement added.
Parties and participating powers
The final statement mentioned the main parties that signed on the side of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to the four documents, such as the "Peaceful Southern Movement Council," the "Supreme Council for the Revolutionary Movement (Hirak)," and the "General Council for the People of Mahra and Socotra".
The Inclusive Hadramout Alliance, the National Council for the Liberation of South, the Hadrami Uprising Command, the Shabwa Inclusive Conference, the Southern National People's Authority, and the Alliance of Southern Sheikhs and Sultans also signed.
The list included the "Southern Democratic Assembly", the "Union of Southern Youth", "South Liberation Front Party", the "Association of the People of South Arabia", the "Southern Socialist Party", the "General Confederation of Southern Trade Unions" and the "Southern Military Authority".
The list included other entities such as the Abyan Forum, the Southern Judges Club, the Youth and Student Movement, the Southern Resistance, the Preparatory Committee for the Southern General People's Congress, the Aden Conference, and the Cairo Conference.
Numerous civil, community and tribal entities also signed the four documents, in addition to independent personalities. Meanwhile, three Southern parties abstained from participating in the SCM, most notably the Southern National Alliance.
Moreover, STC President Aidrous Al-Zubaidi congratulated the people on this event, which he said brings the state closer to restoration.
"We reaffirm that the door of dialogue will remain open for all to catch up and be partners in building the desired federal Southern state," he added.
The Peaceful Southern Movement Council, the Supreme Council for the Revolutionary Movement (Hirak), and the Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation of South announced their merger with the STC. Several tribes in Hadramout issued statements of support.
The new political structure of the STC is expected to be announced very soon. It is likely to include new personalities and parties that participated in the Southern Consultative Meeting.
South24 Center
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