3 Attacks by AQAP in Shabwa Within Hours

The Governor of Shabwa visiting Major Ahmed Al-Sulaimani. May 23, 2023 (official)

23-05-2023 الساعة 3 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Shabwa (South24)

A senior military commander in Shabwa Defense Forces (SDF) and eight other soldiers were injured today in two separate attacks one of which was by a drone believed to belong to AQAP.

South24 correspondent said that the SDF commander Major Ahmed Al-Sulaimani was injured in a drone attack in Al-Musina'a area.

The attack coincided with the explosion of a landmine during the passage of a military vehicle of the SDF in Wadi Sare in Al-Musina'a area, according to our correspondent.

A video documented by South24 correspondent showed ground holes caused by the explosion of the mine, which did not cause any injuries.

In the third attack, 8 soldiers were injured after a motorcycle planted explosives collided with a military vehicle of the SDF in Beihan district.

South24 correspondent reported that an explosive motorcycle intercepted the military vehicle at Al-Rawda junction in Beihan, on the border with the Northern Al-Bayda governorate.

The Governor of Shabwa, Awad Al-Awlaki, visited Major Ahmed Al-Sulaimani following the attack. Al-Awlaki vowed to hunt down "terrorist members" in the governorate.

Al-Awlaki said that the "terrorist acts will not deter us from establishing security and stability in Shabwa governorate."

In a related context, AQAP claimed responsibility today, for a drone attack that targeted the SDF on Saturday, wounding a soldier.

AQAP had also claimed a drone attack targeting the Southern forces in Al-Musina'a area on May 12.

AQAP used drones for the first time against the Southern forces, after the Houthi militia had monopolized this technology since 2015.

These security developments in Shabwa coincide with operations carried out by the Southern forces in central Abyan to pursue AQAP affiliates.

AQAP has carried out dozens of attacks since the beginning of 2023 in Abyan, using explosive devices and mines.

South24 Center

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