Discussions on Hadramout in Saudi Arabia

Faraj Al-Bahsani meeting Hadrami delegates in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. May 25, 2023 (local media)

25-05-2023 الساعة 6 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Hadramout (South24) 

A delegation from Hadramout, received by Saudi Arabia last Thursday, began yesterday discussions on the rich oil governorate, in the Saudi capital city Riyadh.

Teams emanating from the delegation discussed political, security, economic and social topics, according to the media office of the Governor of Hadramout Mabkhout bin Madhi, who headed the delegation.

The media office referred to discussions on unifying political visions, establishing a general coordinating council for the Hadrami parties in the social axis, and other issues such as education and drug control.

On the security level, the discussions centered on the imminent dangers facing Hadramout governorate and the support of qualified people from the governorate, according to the media office.

Yesterday, the prominent Hadrami official, Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani, called on the people of Hadramout to unify their stances and agree on unified visions and policies.

Al-Bahsani said in a meeting attended by tribal sheikhs from Hadramout residing in Riyadh: "Hadramout will take its place in the next Southern state."

Al-Bahsani spoke about his recent joining the Southern Transitional Council (STC) as Vice President.

"Joining the STC comes out of our keenness as leaders of the current political and military scene to strengthen and unify the Southern ranks," he said.

Last Thursday, a Saudi private plane carried a delegation from Hadramout, including tribal, social and political figures, to discuss the conditions of the governorate and unify visions regarding it.

The move coincided with the holding of the 6th session of the STC Southern National Assembly in the city of Mukalla, and the visit of the STC President and Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) member Major General Aidrous Al-Zubaidi.

South24 Center 

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