Egypt announces full support for Riyadh Agreement in South Yemen

22-11-2020 at 2 PM Aden Time


Cairo| Egypt Today, South24

Egypt announced its steadfast supportive position for Yemen and the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, according to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.


Egypt's stance was stated by Egyptian non-resident ambassador to Yemen Ahmed Farouk during a meeting with Southern Transitional Council (STC) President Aidarous al-Zubaidi on Friday.


The ambassador voiced Egypt’s welcome to cooperate with the new Yemeni government in various fields once it is formed.


The two sides also discussed the latest development in the Yemeni crisis and efforts to implement the Riyadh Agreement between the STC and the legitimate government in South Yemen. 

President Al-Zubaidi affirmed the unity of the common destiny with Egypt within the framework of the Arab project aimed at protecting the security of the region alongside Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, pointing to the common goals, interests and threats represented in protecting Bab al-Mandab, the Gulf of Aden and shipping lines, and fighting the forces of terrorism and extremism and intrusive ideas and blatant interference that the region is exposed to.


The Riyadh agreement was signed between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council in the Saudi capital, with the participation of the Arab coalition in Yemen. The agreement was reached under the auspices of King Salman of Saudi Arabia and with the attendance of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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