One year after assasinating Al-Quaety, justice is still absent

03-06-2021 at 4 PM Aden Time


The lack of justice and accountability in the case of assasining the Yemeni Journalist Nabil Al Quaetry has dangerous consequences and threatens those whose only weapons are their pens.

Aden (South24)*

One year on since his assassination, the killers of the international-renowned journalist Nabil Hasan Al Quaety are still far from justice.

However, the director of the Criminal Detective Department, based in Aden, which is in charge of the investigation, told South24 on Wednesday that the fingers point at five suspects linked to the assassination crime which targeted the journalist last year.

 Maj-Gen Saleh Al Qumali, told South24: “There are five suspects linked to the crime who fight in behalf of the so called Amjad Khaled known for his loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood militia”.

Those elements, according to Al Qumali, are being protected by pro-government military commanders and hide in governmental military bases in eastern Abyan and the Western Coast.

This comes in time Al Quaety's family issued a statement in parallel with his commemoration day revealing that the reports being circulated via the social media claiming that suspects linked to his assassination being interrogated are a bunch of lies.

In its statement, the family of the journalist called each of the STC, the security forces as well as Al Quaety’s friends   for a broader support to help the family reach the killers of their son.

" No suspects  have been detained yet" his cousin  Dr Amin Al Quaety, the spokesperson on behalf of the  family, told South24.

Dr. Amin Al Quaety briefed the "South24" correspondent in Aden on the latest updates regarding the interrogation process.

He praised what he called the tireless efforts being exerted by the STC leaders to support Nabil's family and called security authorities in Aden to bear their responsibilities to bring the assassins of his cousin to justice.

“We won't give up, a thorough investigation by the Security authorities in Aden must be conducted very seriously and the perpetrators must be brought to justice as soon as possible," Dr Al Quaety said.

In parallel with his Memorial Day, Southern, Arab and foreign activists and journalists launched a large-scale campaign via the social media under hashtag: #يوم_اغتيال_القعيطي they paid tribute to his bravery and sacrifice and called for a probe to be seriously conducted to find those behind his assassination.

 “There are five suspects linked to the crime who fight in behalf of the so called Amjad Khaled known for his loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood militia”

“On such a day, my dear Nabil Al Quaety was martyred. He wasn't carrying a machine gun. His weapon was a smile and a camera used to record their suspicious plans and their dirty intentions" Walaa Omran an Egyptian journalist wrote on Twitter mourning Al Quaety.

Globally, foreign journalists and rights advocates mourned the international courageous journalist who showed the global audience the devastation and horror the grinding war in Yemen has caused.  

The CPJMENA, Committee to Protect Journalists working in the Middle East, wrote on Twitter saying: “One year ago in Yemen, Nabil al-Quaety was gunned down outside his home in Aden.”

"His murder remains unsolved. His killers remain at large. And journalists across Yemen remain in danger" the CPJ added.

"Nabil's murder shows how the last remaining safe spaces for Yemeni journalists are vanishing" Justin Shilad a Senior Researcher at the Committee to Protect Journalists in MENA region told South24.

"Even in one of the most difficult environments in the world for press freedom, Nabil worked to show the world the horror caused by war in Yemen and to support his growing family" Mr Shilad said.

"The fact that he ultimately wasn't safe even standing right outside his home, shows the overwhelming risks Yemeni journalists take to do their jobs" he added.

"His murder, in addition with the death sentences against many journalists held by the Houthis and the countless other journalists sent into exile or threatened for their work, shows how the international community's inaction on Yemen has turned all journalists into targets" Mr Shilad explained.

Quentin Muller, a Freelance French journalist covering Yemen and MENA region, said that Nabil Hasan has become a hero and a role model for him as a journalist because he was globally recognized for his bravery covering the war in one of the most dangerous countries worldwide.

“I never met him, but he is a hero for me" Mr Muller told South24.

"Nabil's murder shows how the last remaining safe spaces for Yemeni journalists are vanishing" Justin Shilad

"Nabil Hassan Al-Quaety was a young journalist in one of the worst and most dangerous places for this job. He gave his life for the sake of showing the truth to the world “Mr Muller said.

"It is a noble cause, and much more noble in a war country where you risk your life and your family every day. Nabil died for the sake of Yemenis and he deserves all our respect and he deserves to be in our mind everyday" he added.

"He gave his life for the sake of showing the truth to the world" Quentin Muller

"I always says that we, as western journalists, we all have to learn from local journalists in war zones like Yemen, because we visit these countries for a short time and thank our passport, we are able to get back to our peaceful countries" Mr Muller explained.

Nabil Hasan Al Quaety worked with French news agency France-Presse, AFP, for about five years. He was recognized for his bravery doing his job despite threats and intimidation.

In 2016, He was a finalist in Britain's Rory Peck Award for his work covering Yemen's long conflict.

The Award judges then described his work as “rare and outstanding".

I had the chance to work with my dear colleague Nabil Al Quaety in the Western Coast in 2017. I found him brave, generous and filled with humanity. He was a kind of journalist who always stepped into zones where others didn't dare to go.

- The name of our correspondent in Aden was deliberately hidden, for fear of any repercussions.

- Photo: A mourner stands with an old identification document issued by the former People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) while holding with others posters showing the face of Yemeni journalist and AFP contributor Nabil Hasan al-Quaety at his funeral, June 4, 2020. (AFP / -)

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