Thousands of Hadramis Demonstrate to Support the «Independence» of South Yemen

Last updated on: 09-07-2021 at 10 AM Aden Time


Seiyun (South24)

Tens of thousands of Hadramout residents gathered on Thursday afternoon in Seiyun, in response to an invitation by the STC, during which it reviewed its great public popularity in the governorate, on the anniversary of the Southern Land Day, July 7.

This came despite the suppression of the North Yemeni forces of the 1st Military District today. The delegations of peaceful demonstrators, who were on their way to Seiyun coming from some cities of the Hadramout coast, according to participants who spoke to "South24".

One of the participants said that dozens of vehicles were held at the Bor checkpoint for hours and North Yemeni forces did not allow them to cross into Seiyun.

Dozens of vehicles and delegations, prevented by Northern forces from passing to Seiyun, and forced to return, July 08, 2021 (Participant to South24)

"People from eastern regions and others from the coastal regions left the areas of Bor and Al-Khaiba, after they were prevented from entering the city of Seiyun to gather in the event", a participant told "South24".

Northern forces affiliated with Yemeni Vice President Ali al-Ahmar and the Islah party detained the convoys of the Doan and al-Dhalea districts at the al-Musafir checkpoint, fired live bullets at citizens, and tore down the flags of the "former South Yemen state."

In an attempt to delay the participating crowds, Tarim's convoy was stopped at the "Tarbeh" checkpoint and crowds from Hadramout coast directorates were stopped in the "Al-Ghorfa" area, which contradicts the directives of the "Wadi Security Committee", which promised to protect the demonstrators and not to harm them.

Local sources said that the commander of the "Al-Ghorfa" checkpoint, Brigadier Mohammed Ali Naji al-Assad, informed the demonstrators of instructions from the Minister of Defense to "prevent the entry of delegations from the coast of Hadramout to Seiyun", and after interventions from the leadership of the STC in the Wadi, vehicles were allowed to pass.

At the entrance of Seiyun, Northern forces intercepted the peaceful demonstrators at the "Bor" checkpoint and blocked them from proceeding which led to making them "walk" to reach the events' square, while others held demonstration at the military checkpoint.

Seiyun, however, embraced tens of thousands of citizens from the cities and districts of Hadramout, the coast and the Wadi. The participants raised the flags of the former state of South Yemen, and chanted slogans demanding the withdrawal of the Northern forces from Wadi Hadramout, and chanted "liberating the Wadi is a duty."

STC Spokesperson, Ali Al-Kathiri, said: "The crowds that crawled to Seiyun announced to the whole world that Hadramout, from the desert to the sea, is one united one, and its victory will not be complete without the liberation of the Wadi and desert districts."

Video footage sent by a journalist to "South24" showed thousands of peaceful protesters chanting the national anthem of South Yemen and chanting: "With our souls and blood, we will redeem you, South."

A statement, issued Thursday evening rejected "holding meetings for the expired parliament in Hadramout, and the opening of its headquarters in Seiyun or other Southern governorates, from Al-Mahra in the east to Al-Dhalea in the west."

The statement denounced "the security chaos in areas under the control of pro-Yemeni presidency forces in Wadi Hadramout, Shabwa, and parts of Abyan," and demanded "the departure of the Northern forces affiliated with the 1st Military District, which encourages killings and dissent among the people of the Wadi ."

STC director in Hadhramaut, Colonel Saeed al-Mohammadi, demanded to quickly "place the Hadrami Elite forces in Wadi Hadramout", and enable Southerners to control their land in accordance with the Riyadh Agreement.

On Wednesday evening, a peaceful march on motorbikes took place inside Seiyun, amid tight security for soldiers affiliated with the Minister of Interior Ibrahim Haidan, who was chosen by President Hadi in the parity government.

Angry popular demonstrations in more than 17 cities in Shabwa were subjected to a massive security crackdown on Wednesday, and a campaign of "arbitrary arrests" of 44 participants. Security forces fired live bullets at a demonstration in Beihan, which led to the injury of 6 civilians.

The pro-Islah security committee in Shabwa accused the peaceful demonstrators of "seeking to implement schemes to spread chaos and violence," arguing that the STC "is trying to distract public opinion from the Yemeni government victories over the Houthis in Al-Bayda and Marib."

On the other hand, STC Presidency called on Thursday, the Arab coalition and international human rights organizations, to "open an urgent investigation into the violations, crimes, and acts of terrorism practiced against the people of Shabwa, and the quick release of the abductees, detainees and prisoners, and compensation and treatment of the wounded."

- Photo: Thousands of demonstrators in a large square in the city of Seiyun, during a demonstration called by the Southern Transitional Council, Thursday, July 8, 2021 (South24 / Amjad Sobeih)

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