Demonstrations against the Yemeni parliament and economic decline in Mahra and Hadramaout

01-08-2021 at 9 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24) 

Thousands demonstrated in Seiyun, Hadramout and Al-Ghaydah, Mahra, today, east of South Yemen, to reject the Yemeni government's efforts to hold a session of the outgoing Yemeni Parliament, and to demand the provision of deteriorating services.

Local activists said that the Northern forces of the 1st Military District in Wadi Hadramaout fired live bullets at peaceful protesters in Seiyun.

STC in Hadramout called for a civil disobedience in Seiyun, a day after a peaceful demonstration in Mukalla, attended by thousands.

Traffic stopped on Sunday morning in the streets of Seiyun, and shops and local stores closed their doors, in response to the STC's call. The demonstrators raised the flags of the state of South Yemen, which they demand to restore.

These demonstrations coincide with the government raising the price of oil derivatives in the coastal areas of Hadramout, and the deterioration of the economic situation. It also coincided with the visit of the Speaker of the "outgoing" Yemeni Parliament, Sultan Al-Barakani, to Hadramout and Mahra, from Cairo.

Southerners see that the Yemeni parliament does not represent their will. They accuse him of legitimizing the war against them in 1994. 

Photo: Activists

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