UN Security Council Condemns the Houthi Escalation

21-10-2021 at 2 PM Aden Time

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NY (South24)

The UN Security Council called for the need to reduce the escalation by all parties in Yemen, including the immediate halt to the escalation of the Houthis in Marib. Stressing his condemnation of the attacks, which "pose a significant risk to the maritime security of vessels in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea," they condemned the targeting of the convoy of the governor of the capital, Aden, and welcomed the return of the Yemeni Prime Minister to the city.

"The members of the Security Council expressed their unwavering support for United Nations Special Envoy Hans Grundberg," said a statement issued by Council President Martin Kimani (Kenya) on Wednesday.

Security Council members condemned the Houthi cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. They highlighted the October 8 attack on King Abdullah Airport and the drone attacks that hit Abha Civil Airport. They condemned the increasing number of incidents off the coast of Yemen, including attacks on civilian and commercial vessels, which pose a significant threat to the maritime security of vessels in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. They stressed the need to reduce the escalation by everyone, including the immediate cessation of the Houthi escalation in Marib. They condemned the recruitment and use of children, and sexual violence, in conflicts.

The members of the Security Council demanded an immediate nationwide ceasefire, in accordance with resolution 2565 (2021), and called for the settlement of differences through comprehensive dialogue and the rejection of violence to achieve political goals.

The statement also welcomed Saudi Arabia's March 22 announcement, which was endorsed by the Government of Yemen.

Saudi Arabia had sharply criticized what it described as the council's " helpless" towards the Houthis' practices.

Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, said in a speech before the UN Security Council yesterday, that “the Kingdom expresses its regret and anger that the UN Security Council has to date stood helpless and was unable to issue a statement condemning the attacks and practices of the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its lands and civilians, wondering about the effectiveness of the council and its ability to perform its role."

The statement noted the council members' commitment to "the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen."

Council members also "expressed concern that a lack of progress in the peace process could be exploited by terrorists in Yemen. They called on all Member States and other actors to fully comply with their obligations under the targeted arms embargo."

The members of the Security Council reiterated the need for all parties to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, including obligations relating to humanitarian access and the protection of civilians, including humanitarian and health workers and facilities.

They "condemned in the strongest terms violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as well as human rights abuses.  They underlined the need to ensure accountability for violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen.”

According to the statement, the members of the Security Council reiterated their commitment to a Yemeni-led political solution based on consensus, full, equal and meaningful participation of women, as well as the participation of youth, in accordance with the relevant provisions of United Nations Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 2216 (2015). They expressed their clear support for the principles of inclusiveness and participation, including women and the full breadth of political stakeholders, established by the National Dialogue Conference.

The members of the Security Council expressed their grave concern about the dire humanitarian situation, including protracted famine and the growing threat of widespread famine, exacerbated by the dire economic situation.

They called on the Yemeni government to facilitate the regular entry of fuel ships into the port of Hudaydah without delay, and stressed the importance of all parties ensuring the free flow of fuel inside the country to deliver basic goods and humanitarian aid, and stressed the need not to use the fuel that arrives through the port of Hudaydah for personal profit or to finance the escalation of the conflict. They urged the parties to work for the stability of Hudaydah, including through cooperation with the United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement. They called for an end to the siege of slavery.

The members stressed the central role of economic collapse in driving famine risk and the need for economic reform, including improved coordination of basic financial activity within Yemen.They expressed deep concern for the collapse in the rial-dollar exchange rate in [South] Yemen and urged the Government of Yemen and Yemen’s partners to consider all possible measures to strengthen the economy including further foreign exchange injections into the Central Bank. 

They recalled the grave threat posed by the Safer oil tanker, recalled Houthi responsibility and looked forward to welcoming cooperation of all parties involved to peacefully resolve the situation.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the return of the Prime Minister to Yemen and stressed the importance of supporting the Government to deliver essential services to the Yemeni people. 

They “expressed their strong support for the Prime Minister’s drive for economic reform.  They called on all actors to work constructively to implement the Riyadh Agreement fully and enable the provision of government services in order to bring stability to [South] Yemen.”

They also “condemned the car-bomb attack targeting an official convoy in Aden” on October 10.

- Photo: A fighter loyal to the Yemeni government near the front line with Houthi fighters, in Marib, October 17, 2021 (AFP) 

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