Marib: Dozens of Casualties in Houthi Missile Attack

01-11-2021 at 6 PM Aden Time


Marib (South24) 

Dozens were killed or injured at Monday dawn in Al-Juba district of Marib governorate, North Yemen in a missile attack carried out by the Houthi group.

Local sources told "South24" that the Houthis targeted a Salafi religious center in "Al-Amoud residential area" which includes a worship house, a center for teaching Quran, and an internal residence.

According to Yemen's Minister of Information Moammar Al-Eryani, 29 civilians "including women and children" were killed and injured in this attack.

Al-Eryani called on the "international community" to condemn the attacks launched by the Houthis on civilians and to hold the Houthi's leaders accountable for what it considered "war crimes."

According to local sources, this attack comes two days after a similar missile attack by the Houthis on the house of the tribal leader "Abdullatif Nimran" in the same residential area which left 12 civilians dead.

On Saturday, the Houthis also bombed "Al Kamb neighborhood", east of Taiz governorate, with artillery shells which caused the death of three children from a single family, according to local media outlets.

Since June 2020, the Iranian-backed group has launched a massive attack on the oil-rich Marib governorate the last stronghold of the internationally recognized Yemeni government in North Yemen.

Houthis are seeking to overthrow the governorate center, the city of Marib, after controlling most of the districts over the past months.

The group announced earlier that 11 out of 14 districts in the Marib governorate had fallen into its control, announcing its intention to control the rest of the governorate.

The Houthis are accused of committing numerous massacres of civilians through ballistic missiles.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Human Rights office in Marib governorate announced that the Houthi attacks on Al-Juba district, since the beginning of October, had caused "the death and injury of 300 civilians, and the displacement of more than ten thousand families."

South24 Center for News and Studies

Photo: The site of the attack, Monday, 1 November 2021

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