A French expert calls Yemen government to implement Riyadh agreement, warning of Islah party

21-02-2020 at 1 PM Aden Time


The French Professor Francois Frisonroshe , the expert of international law, said in a statement to AIJES News in Paris that the situation in Yemen is getting more complicated in the north and south. 

There are no signs of any prospects for consensual political solutions or a military settlement in favor of the legitimate government, stressing that full implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, which was signed between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council in November last year, represents one of the primary solutions to pushing for the enhancement of security and stability and the start of a process of real quality development in the southern areas liberated from the control of the Houthi militia, Frisonroshe said.

The French international law professor, who previously worked in Yemen as an expert in drafting the constitution during the Yemeni national dialogue, calls the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that sponsorship of the Riyadh agreement ,to play an active role in starting the construction process And the development and security and political stability in the areas that do not fall under the control of the Houthis, and that contributes to alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people as a result of the ongoing war and political and military conflicts.

| A large number of leaders of this groups have penetrated within the joints of the presidency department and the Yemeni government, pointing to suspicions of supporting corruption and terrorism

The French expert also warned of the mysterious conspiracy role played by political Islamic groups represented by the Islamic ISLAH Party and other extremist organizations in Yemen and the region, noting that a large number of leaders of this groups have penetrated within the joints of the presidency department and the Yemeni government, pointing to suspicions of supporting corruption and terrorism of many of them, including the current Vice Yemeni President Major General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. 

We know exactly who has adopted the Arab Afghans in Yemen and in which camps were they put and used for targeting the American forces in Aden and the American destroyer (USS Cole) and its support of terrorist groups in Marib, Shabwa and Abyan, Francois added .

Also the war against southerners that leaded by the Islamic groups ( ISLAH party ) in1994 was unjust because they tried to make it as a holy war using a slogan of fighting against infidels and faithless people in the south, which contributed to continue feeding the separatist tendency among people in southern Yemen, François said.

Source: yemenonline

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