A Saudi Diplomat: Real Discussions Should be Held for the Southerners' Issue

22-04-2022 at 4 PM Aden Time


Riyadh (South24)

On Thursday, KSA Ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al Jaber, said that "Saudi Arabia will support what will be decided by Yemenis  whatever the outcome except for using power". He was responding to a  question about the Kingdom's stance towards the "unity and  separation" issue in Yemen.

In a televised interview, broadcast by  'Khalijiya" on Thursday night, Al Jaber said: "The Southern issue is a lively and a fair one" and "The STC  manages  this file".

The Saudi official said that the outcome of the Yemeni-Yemeni Consultations, sponsored by the GCC in Riyadh, indicated that "the issue of the people of South should be really discussed in light of the comprehensive political solution".  

The final statement of the Yemeni Consultations in Riyadh indicated that "it was agreed to include The issue of the people of South in the negotiations agenda to stop war and to allocate its own negotiation framework within the comprehensive peace process".

The STC, which has recently become part of the newly-formed Presidential Council, calls for restoring the pre-1990 Southern State.

The Saudi diplomat added: "What will be decided by Yemeni on the negotiation table apart from using power will enjoy not just the Saudi and Gulf support but the whole international community".

Mohammed Al Jaber has been the Saudi Ambassador to Yemen since 2014. He is a diplomat, a military man, and a strategic expert. He supervises the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen.

- South24 Center

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