Yemen: Islah-affiliate Public Prosecutor Sacked

Photo: Judge Qaher Mustafa Ali (local media)

Last updated on: 25-05-2022 at 10 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24) 

Today, a presidential decision was issued appointing Judge Qaher Mustafa Ali, Attorney General of the Republic of Yemen.

The decision came hours after a meeting of members of the newly formed Presidential Council in Aden and discussed a number of files including the judiciary, according to Saba Agency.

The newly-appointed judge succeeded Ahmed al-Moussai, a military commander affiliate to the Islamist Islah party who was appointed as attorney general in mid-January 2021, by Yemeni President Hadi.

The decision to appoint al-Moussai sparked a dispute between the Yemeni presidency and the STC, as the latter considered the decision unilateral and in violation of the Riyadh Agreement.

South24 Center for News and Studies

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