The Fourth Houthi Attack on South Yemen's Oil Ports

Dabba oil port in Hadramout (archive)

21-11-2022 at 6 PM Aden Time

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Hadramout (South24) 

Earlier today, Dabba oil port in Hadramout governorate was targeted by a drone.

A local source told "South24 Center" that a drone attempted to target the port coinciding with the arrival of an oil cargo ship.

Senior source suggested that the Houthis were behind the attack, which is the fourth of its kind in a month.

The source said that the attack targeted the pumping site (BMS), which connects the ship to the oil filling area of the port. Another source told South24 correspondent that the attack took place at 15:44 PM.

The cargo ship also left the port without loading oil following the attack.

An official source later confirmed to "South24 Center" that there may have been severe damage as a result of the attack.

The Yemeni Ministry of Defense said that the air defenses managed to shoot down a number of Houthi drones. "While one of them hit the oil export platform in the port, causing material damage to it."

Late Tuesday night, the Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack, according to statements on Twitter by the group's military spokesman.

The group had claimed a similar attack on the port located in As-Shihr district on October 21.

The Houthis also targeted the Nashima oil port in Shabwa governorate on October 19 as well as the Qena port on November 9.

Related: South Yemen: Oil Port in Shabwa Targeted by a Houthi Drone

These attacks drew widespread regional and international condemnation.

The attacks come within the Houthis military escalation to halt oil production in South Yemen. The Houthis demand that the internationally recognized Yemeni government pay all salaries of employees in North Yemen, and seek to share oil resources with it.

The Houthi attack coincided with a visit by the US ambassador to Aden. On Monday, Steven Fagin met the Yemeni Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and a number of officials.

Fagin called on the Houthis to stop their threats to maritime trade and return to the negotiating table.

South24 Center

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