Children enjoying Ramadan in a local market in Aden, South Yemen (South24 Center)
08-03-2023 at 4 PM Aden Time
Ahmed Bahakim (South24)
The month of Ramadan is one of the most beloved months in Islam. It is a time for Muslims to focus on their faith and spirituality, as well as strengthen their relationships with Allah (God). During this holy month, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset and abstain from any sinful behavior or thoughts. This serves to remind them that everything comes from Allah, and they should be grateful for it all [1].
Ramadan also carries many other blessings such as increased charity work, more prayer opportunities, spiritual reflection, and inner peace; something which can be hard to come by in our hectic lives today! Additionally, during this special period there are additional rewards if we perform righteous deeds like giving alms or helping those less fortunate than us - increasing our chances of gaining divine mercy when the end of Ramadan arrives. The holy month of Ramadan is a time for families to come together and celebrate in Aden, South Yemen. Every year, there are many rituals practiced by the people living in Aden and its neighboring governorates that make this special time even more meaningful [2].
One of the most important parts of Ramadan is food - specifically breakfast and suhoor meals which are eaten before sunrise during this month. Families often gather around tables filled with traditional dishes such as fool mudamas (fava beans) or kabsa (rice). These meals provide sustenance throughout the day while also bringing loved ones closer together. Additionally, children often play popular games such as hide-and-seek or marbles on alleys near homes so they can enjoy their free time without worrying about schoolwork or other responsibilities that may be present during other months of the year.
Shopping plays an important role in celebrating Ramadan too! People buy things related to it whether it’s decorations for their home like lanterns or food items like dates which are considered symbolic treats due to their sweetness symbolizing joyfulness after fasting all day long, Furthermore, streets become adorned with colorful banners featuring slogans related to this holy celebration creating a festive atmosphere everywhere you go! Lastly, markets become crowded with buyers looking for deals on everything from clothes to groceries making sure everyone has what they need when breaking fast at nightfall every evening throughout Ramadan season. Although some traditions vary depending upon where you live, one thing remains true across cultures: The spirit behind celebrating Ramadan unites us all regardless of our backgrounds. By following these cherished customs each year, we show appreciation towards those who have gone before us while simultaneously connecting ourselves spiritually through shared experiences [3].
The Devastating Impact of Currency Decline and Price Increase on Living Standards in Aden
The rise in prices as a result of the decline in the local currency and the rise in price of dollar, has caused a decrease in living standards for many people in Aden. This is especially true for those who rely on food products to sustain themselves. In most cases, these items have doubled their cost from what they were one year ago. This has greatly affected people’s ability to buy basic necessities such as food and clothing, leading them into poverty or worse situations if not addressed quickly and efficiently by the government. Food insecurity is an ever-growing problem in the country due to this increase in price of goods that are essential for survival; it can be argued that this issue will only worsen unless something drastic changes soon. With more money being spent on imported goods rather than locally produced ones, families are finding it harder to afford even simple meals each day which leads them further down an economic spiral with no end insight anytime soon without help from outside sources such as foreign aid or government subsidies [4].
While there may not be any immediate solutions available at present time, steps must still be taken towards addressing issues related to rising prices. Government in Aden should work together with organizations like World Food Program (WFP) to ensure citizens have access too affordable nutritious foods so that everyone can live healthy lives despite financial limitations. Additionally international efforts should also focus on providing support through initiatives like cash transfer programs which could provide families with much needed relief during difficult times [5].
Salary Crisis in Aden: Forced Poverty and the Loss of Essential necessities.
The salary crisis in Aden has been growing worse month after month, leaving citizens with no other choice than to give up their most basic rights in order to provide a better livelihood. The effects of this crisis are far-reaching and have caused immense suffering among the people of Aden. Citizens are forced into poverty due to lack of access to adequate wages and resources, which leads them into a state where they must accept any form of income just so they can survive. This means that many essential services such as health care, education and infrastructure become almost inaccessible for those affected by the salary crisis. In addition, citizens who cannot afford these necessities often feel content with little or nothing at all because there is no hope for improvement or change on the horizon - only more despairing conditions as time passes by without relief from government intervention or aid organizations stepping in. As if this wasn't bad enough already; even when some financial assistance does arrive it is often not nearly enough compared to what was promised initially leading individuals into further debt traps due simply trying to survive during these difficult times [6].
It's clear that something needs be done about this situation soon before it becomes too late for those living through its consequences every day: whether it’s providing better wages, ensuring equal access to public services like healthcare, education and infrastructure; or enacting regulations protecting vulnerable populations from exploitation – whatever steps taken need be drastic ones if we ever want to see an end to the current dire circumstances in Aden and bring back much needed hope for its citizens once again.
Yemen During Ramadan: A Resilient People in a War-Torn Land
The holy month of Ramadan is a time for reflection and spiritual growth, but this year in Yemen has been especially difficult. The ongoing civil war has caused many disruptions to the traditional rituals associated with Ramadan. This includes limited access to food due to shortages caused by the conflict. All these manifestations made the rituals of Ramadan this year obstructed and not as high as they were years ago. Despite all these difficulties faced during this period of fasting and prayer, Aden citizens remain patient and enduring in order to feel the atmosphere of Ramadan that comes only once a year. Despite all their hardships they are determined not let anything stand between them experiencing its sweetness or bitterness fully [7].
In addition, people have found creative ways around some obstacles like finding alternative methods for distributing charity donations given out during religious holidays which would normally require physical contact between donors and recipients (such as handing out cash). They also use social media platforms like WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages share stories about how families are managing through tough times together despite being separated geographically. These examples show how resilient Aden citizens can be when faced with adversity - striving towards creating happiness even amidst crisis situations present throughout their country today.
[1] Nadda, O. (2022). Ramadan 2022: When does it start and everything else you need to know. Retrieved March 06, 2023, from
[2] By Al Jisr. (n.d.). The face of Aden, Yemen. Retrieved March 06, 2023, from
[3] Jennifer, W. (2021). Ramadan: 9 questions about the Muslim holy month you were too embarrassed to ask Retrieved March 06, 2023, from
[4] UNICEF. (2019). Fast Facts Yemen Crisis. Retrieved from
[5] World Food Programme. (2022). Cash-based transfers: A lifeline for vulnerable people. Retrieved from
[6] Al-Arabia News. (2011). Amid Aden’s salary crisis, families struggle with power cuts and fuel shortage. Retrieved from
[7] Aljazeera. (2022). Ramadan in Yemen: Fasting by day, starving by night. Retrieved from