WFP distributions points in Yemen. Photo: WFP/Mahmoud Fadel
Last updated on: 13-09-2023 at 2 PM Aden Time
Aden (South24)
The World Food Program (WFP) announced that it will suspend aid to prevent malnutrition in Yemen starting next August for reasons related to lack of funding.
On Thursday, a report issued by the WFP said that the funding plan for the next 6 months (August 2023-January 2024) was covered by only 28%.
The report indicated that the WFP received confirmations of contributions worth $139 million last June, while the required amount amounted to $1.05 billion.
The report warned that stopping aid will negatively affect 2.4 million people suffering from malnutrition in Yemen, especially children and women.
This announcement comes days after the death of the WFP staff member Moayad Hameidi by gunmen in the city of Turbah, Taiz governorate (the government-controlled part).
Related: The Killing of a UN Employee Raises Security Issues in Taiz Again
Since 2015, Yemen has been plagued by a devastating conflict that has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to the United Nations.
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