Independence Day celebrations in South Yemen

Celebrations on the anniversary of the Independence Day of South Yemen in the city of Zinjibar, Abyan (AIC)

29-11-2023 at 4 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24) 

Today, thousands of people in several cities across South Yemen began celebrating Independence Day, marking 56 years of independence from Britain since November 30th, 1967. 

People in the city of Zinjibar, the capital of the Abyan governorate, organized a festival in which they carried the flag of the former South Yemen, along with pictures of leaders of the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

In the Beihan and Usaylan districts in the west of the Shabwa governorate, hundreds of men and children took to the streets to commemorate the anniversary.

A gathering on the anniversary of the Independence Day of South Yemen, in the city of Beihan in Shabwa (local media)

The STC organized an artistic ceremony in the city of Al-Dhalea, attended by many senior political and military officials.

A celebration on the anniversary of the Independence Day of South Yemen in the city of Al-Dhalea (STC media)

In the capital city, Aden, an Independence Day celebration was held in the city district of Al-Tawahi, which was once home to English families during Britain’s colonial occupation. 

A celebration on the anniversary of the Independence Day of South Yemen in Al-Tawahi district in Aden (local media).

Yesterday, dozens of people turned out in the Al-Mahfad district to express their joy over the occasion.

Celebrations of the anniversary in South Yemen are expected to reach their peak tomorrow, November 30th.

Over the past few days, the local leadership of the STC in Aden, Hadramaut, and Al-Mahra announced preparations were being made to celebrate the occasion.

The STC Secretary-General, Fadl Al-Jaadi, arrived in the strategic Socotra Archipelago of South Yemen a few days ago, to attend the celebrations.

Over the past several years, the STC has directed funding toward national celebrations in South Yemen, to mobilize the population and emphasize its efforts to restore the independent state.

Meanwhile, the Saudi-backed Hadramout National Council announced the formation of a presidential body, months after announcing its establishment in Riyadh on June 20th.

The committee consisted of 23 people, before the prominent tribal sheikh Amr bin Habrish, who leads the Hadramout Inclusive Conference, withdrew from it.

South24 Center

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