Ahmed bin Mubarak appointed as Yemen's Prime Minister

Ahmed Bin Mubarak (Official)

06-02-2024 at 1 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24)

Yesterday, former Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak was appointed Prime Minister by the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) in Yemen, succeeding Maeen Abdulmalik, following weeks of consultations regarding the decision among members of the PLC, according to an informed source for South24 Center.

The Saba News agency reported on the issuing of Decree No. 56 of 2024, the first article of which appointed Ahmed bin Mubarak as Prime Minister, while the second specified other government members would continue to perform the duties assigned to them in previous decrees. 

Another report by Saba yesterday detailed the issuing of Decree No. 57 by PLC Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi to appoint former Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik as his advisor.

In his first public statement following the appointment decision, Ahmed bin Mubarak said on X: “I assume this position with determination and resoluteness to achieve tangible results in the lives of every Yemeni man and woman” and called on all members of government to unify and intensify their efforts in serving the nation and its citizens.  

Maeen Abdulmalik, who has presided over two previous governments since 2018 and is facing corruption charges, said that he wishes Ahmed bin Mubarak success in his new position.

The US Ambassador to Yemen, Steven Fagin, also congratulated the decision to appoint Ahmed bin Mubarak, saying that he "greatly values his close partnership with the United States." Bin Mubarak was Yemen's ambassador to Washington from 2015 to 2020.

The European Union delegation to Yemen and the British Ambassador Abda Sharif also shared their congratulations regarding the appointment of Ahmed bin Mubarak.

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) has yet to provide a comment on the appointment decision, but a senior source in the STC confirmed to South24 Center that the decision was issued by consensus and unanimity of the members of the PLC, including Major General Aidrous Al-Zubaidi.

Houthi officials and journalists criticized Ahmed bin Mubarak for his close relations with the United States.

Bin Mubarak's appointment comes amidst a worsening economic crisis, caused by the ongoing cessation of oil exports due to Houthi threats, and the economic repercussions of the Iran-backed group’s attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The price of the US dollar reached a purchase price of 1,650 Yemeni riyals, the largest decline in more than two years, accompanied by a noticeable increase in the prices of food commodities in local markets. Service problems, particularly in the supply of electricity, stand out as among the most prominent challenges facing the new prime minister.

South24 Center

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