STC clarifies position on road opening initiative

STC website

14-03-2024 at 5 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24)

Today, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) said that the opening of roads and crossings closed since the outbreak of war must be conducted under international supervision, and according to the roadmap for a comprehensive political solution in Yemen.

In a meeting in the capital, Aden, the STC Presidency said that it rejects any unilateral measures aimed at opening roads and crossings, referring directly to the Iran-backed Houthi group.

An official statement from the meeting said: "The process of opening roads is linked to the roadmap, and must take place under the supervision of the United Nations, security committees, and international and local oversight from both parties".

“What the Houthi militia is doing in opening roads unilaterally is considered an early abortion and failure of the international efforts and the roadmap,” the statement added.

Yesterday, during a meeting with journalists attended by South24 Center, STC President Major General Aidrous Al-Zubaidi said that the Houthis’ unilateral steps to open the roads were not in coordination with any other party.

Al-Zubaidi added: “The Houthis are the ones who have been besieging the Yemenis for nine years. We are not besieging anyone, but we cannot accept the Houthis’ temperament through which they want to achieve other goals.”

The Houthis attempted to open a road linking Aden to Sanaa through Al-Dhalea on Tuesday, but the situation ended in confrontation when Southern forces and popular allied resistance forces exchanged fire with them in the Murais area in the north of the governorate.

The Houthis claimed they were fired upon first, while the Southern Forces spokesman said its forces fired in response to the Houthis gathering near the road closure site with weapons and bulldozers, without prior coordination or arrangement.

South24 Center

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