Houthi cells arrested in government areas in Taiz

Taiz (AFP)

16-05-2024 at 5 PM Aden Time


Taiz (South24) 

Yesterday, the 35th Armored Brigade in Taiz Governorate in North Yemen announced they had arrested members of a cell operating on behalf of the Houthis in several areas located within territory nominally under the internationally recognized government’s control.

A statement issued by the 35th Armored Brigade said that a meeting was held yesterday that included the brigade’s leadership, officers, and officials, to discuss the security case.

The security officer of the 35th Armored Brigade, Colonel Mohammed Shamsan, said during the meeting that the results of preliminary investigations into the cell revealed a Houthi plot to attack security personnel and create chaos and destabilization in multiple districts in Taiz.

According to the statement, following investigation, the cell members revealed to security forces that the Houthis had invited nearly 600 people from Taiz to visit Saada Governorate, the militia’s stronghold, and meet with senior Houthi officials there.

The arrested members further disclosed that groups from Taiz had visited Houthi command centers in Sadaa and Dhamar, and “received financial amounts [and] instructions to disturb security and stability in the region”.

So far, neither the Yemeni government’s security department for the governorate nor the Taiz military axis has issued a statement regarding the arrests and investigation.

The 35th Armored Brigade also did not provide any additional details regarding the arrested cell members or their identities.

Since 2015, the Yemeni government and the Houthis have been battling for control over the Taiz governorate, including one of the most populated cities in the country, Taiz, which has been suffering from a years-long siege affecting the movement and passage of goods and individuals.

South24 Center

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