Humanitarian situation prompts Houthis to release 112 prisoners of war

Houthis Saba agency

26-05-2024 at 5 PM Aden Time


Sanaa (South24) 

The Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi militia announced the unilateral release of 112 prisoners of war from the “opposing side” on Sunday, citing humanitarian concerns. 

The Houthi-run Saba news agency reported that the prisoners, captured on various battlefronts, included the sick, wounded, and elderly.  

The head of the Houthi Prisoners' Affairs Authority, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, announced yesterday that the release of the prisoners had been postponed until today "for technical reasons."

In April 2023, Yemen witnessed the largest prisoner exchange deal since the war began, involving more than 800 prisoners, between the internationally recognized government and the Houthis.

The deal included Saudi prisoners held by the Houthis as well as notable figures such as the former Defense Minister, Major General Mahmoud Al-Subaihi, and Major General Nasser Hadi, xbrother of former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Based on information revealed to South24 Center by former prisoners, detainees held by the Houthis endure extremely harsh conditions, including torture and psychological abuse.

Yesterday, Yemeni Foreign Minister Shaye Al-Zindani accused the Houthis of obstructing efforts to reach an agreement on releasing all prisoners and detainees.

During an interview with Sky News Arabia, Al-Zindani said: "The Houthis aborted the agreement on the Amman meetings to release all prisoners, and kidnapped people."

South24 Center

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