Two Southern forces soldiers killed, two injured in clashes with Houthis in Al-Dhalea


07-10-2024 at 5 PM Aden Time


Al-Dhalea (South24)

The Southern forces lost two of their soldiers yesterday (October 6) while two others were injured in clashes with the Houthi militia on the Battar front, northwest of Al-Dhalea Governorate, north of the capital, Aden, a South24 correspondent reported.

The correspondent said that the Southern forces confronted an infiltration attempt by Houthi militants yesterday afternoon in clashes using light and medium weapons. The clashes were renewed in the evening with the use of heavy weapons.

According to the South24 correspondent, the Houthis also suffered casualties, with some being killed and some wounded in the clashes.

The Battar front is one of a series of border fighting fronts between the Southern forces and the Houthi militia, located between the governorates of Al-Dhalea and Ibb. Since 2019, the front has been ignited by clashes from time to time due to the Houthis' continuous attempts to infiltrate.

The Houthi attacks come despite the state of nationwide de-escalation. Al-Dhalea was the first city in South Yemen to defeat the Houthis and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh's allied forces in May 2015, after fierce battles.

In recent weeks, the Houthis have intensified their attacks in Al-Dhalea, as well as on the fronts of neighboring Lahj governorate. Military sources told South24 Center that there is a large Houthi mobilization along these fronts.

South24 Center

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