October Revolution continues to inspire Southerners after six decades

The Southern Identity event in Seiyun (South24 Center)

14-10-2024 at 9 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24)

Thousands of Southerners gathered in the city of Seiyun in Hadramout Governorate on Monday to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the October 14, 1963, revolution, which culminated in the independence of South Yemen from Britain on November 30.

A South24 Center correspondent in Seiyun reported that local delegates from across Hadramout assembled at “Freedom Square” to mark the anniversary of the revolution and express their support for the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which seeks the renewed independence of South Yemen.

Participants chanted slogans, including the national anthem of the former State of South Yemen (1967-1990), affirming Hadramout's affiliation with the South and rejecting political projects put forth by Yemeni and regional parties.

The participants also called for the withdrawal of the First Military Region forces from Wadi Hadramout, labeling them “occupying forces exploiting oil and natural resources,” and demanded their replacement with the Hadrami Elite Forces.

STC officials delivered speeches to the crowds, renewing calls to implement the outcomes of the Riyadh Agreement and consultations, particularly the withdrawal of Northern forces from the First Military District in Wadi Hadramout.

They also urged local support for the STC’s vision of an independent federal state in South Yemen.

In a statement to South24 Center, Abdulrahman Al-Jefri, head of the STC office in Seiyun, said, “This mass event is a new message rejecting projects that claim to represent Hadramout's interests.”

“We chose October 14 historical symbolism for all Southerners. Our revolution for freedom began on this day, this is clear,” he added.

The event’s closing statement of the Seiyun event affirmed continued support for the STC, led by Aidrous Al-Zubaidi, and called for the realization of Hadramout’s aspirations within the broader Southern project.

“We emphasize the importance of enabling Hadramis to manage their military, security, political and administrative affairs, including control over the governorate’s oil, gas, and natural resource revenues,” the statement added.

The statement also reaffirmed “Hadramout's Southern identity,” rejecting any separation from the South, and called for urgent action to improve services and living conditions in the governorate.

In June 2023, Saudi Arabia formed the “Hadramout National Council” following meetings with Hadrami figures in Riyadh, a move viewed as an attempt to counter the growing influence and popularity of the STC in the oil-rich governorate.

Meanwhile, in the capital Aden, hundreds of young people celebrated the anniversary of the October 14 Revolution with motorcades of cars and motorcycles, displaying the national flag of the State of South Yemen and playing songs that glorified the revolution.

In Abyan Governorate, an artistic and rhetorical festival was held in the Al-Mahfad district, along with a mass march district to commemorate the revolution. The Security Belt Forces also organized a military parade for the occasion.

Just two years ago, Al-Mahfad and large parts of central Abyan were heavily affected by extremist elements linked to Al-Qaeda. However, Southern forces were able to expel these elements during the "Arrows of the East" campaign, launched in late 2022.

Yesterday, the STC in Al-Dhalea Governorate held a celebration to commemorate the anniversary of the October 14 Revolution, only kilometers away from the battlefront with the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

Tomorrow, official and popular celebration events will be held in Shabwa Governorate, according to South24 Center’s correspondent there.

Similar events are expected to take place in other governorates.

Continuing inspiration

The October 14 Revolution remains a source of inspiration for Southerners even after six decades, said Dr. Mahmoud Al-Salmi, head of the Aden Center for Studies, Historical Research and Publishing. 

He told South24 Center: “Southerners benefit from the October Revolution through its lessons and experience. It provided lessons in the patience, diversity and determination of the resistance, the strength of its organizational structure, its cohesion with the people, and its freedom from corruption.”

“The October 14 Revolution succeeded in defeating colonialism without external support, and that is a lesson we must heed today,” he added.

South24 Center

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