Military changes in Coastal Hadramout

Brigadier General Talib Saeed Bargash (local media)

19-11-2023 الساعة 2 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Hadramout (South24) 

Yesterday, the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) made military changes within the framework of the Second Military District on the coast of Hadramout Governorate.

The decisions included the appointment of Brigadier General Talib Saeed Bargash as commander of the Second Military District, which encompasses the Hadrami Elite Forces.

The decision specified the promotion of Bargash, a former South Yemeni army official who was educated in Russia, to the rank of Major General.

Colonel Farouk Abdul Qawi Saleh was also appointed commander of the 1st Coastal Defense Brigade, and Colonel Saeed Abdullah Baqoud was appointed commander of the 2nd Coastal Defense Brigade. The two brigades are stationed on the Coast of Hadramout.

The decisions further included the appointment of Brigadier General Saleh bin Nasser Al-Tamimi as Director of the Military Police College, which is headquartered in the coastal city of Mukalla.

Major General Fayez Al-Tamimi, former commander of the Second Military District, was also appointed as an advisor to the Minister of Defense. Brigadier General Salem Abdullah Al-Khanbashi was appointed as an advisor to the Interior Minister.

There are two military districts in Hadramout Governorate; the First Military District is located in Wadi Hadramout, and the second region is in Coastal Hadramout.

Local residents are demanding the removal of the first military zone, which includes thousands of soldiers, from North Yemen.

South24 Center

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