South Yemen: A prominent AQAP leader was killed by unidentified gunmen in Abyan

28-11-2020 at 9 PM Aden Time


Aden (south24)

A leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula AQAP was killed, after unidentified gunmen opened fire on his car, on Saturday evening, in Lawdar district in Abyan governorate, South Yemen.

A local source said, on condition of anonymity, that “ Emir of al-Qaeda in the central region of Abyan, Abu Salem al-Walidi, was killed on Saturday evening, when unidentified gunmen fired live bullets at his car, east of Al-Khidira city, Lawdar District, Abyan Governorate.

"An ambulance and military vehicles belonging to the 115th Brigade, loyal to the Yemeni government, were seen later at the scene," a source told "south24".

Local activists confirmed on social media, the man was killed.

Lawdar Directorate is under the authority of the forces loyal to the Yemeni government.

Officials of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) accuse the presence of al-Qaeda members in the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood militia, loyal to the government, fighting side by side against the southern forces in Abyan.

Al-Qaeda fighters were killed a few days ago, Some of them have direct links to the figures accused of the bombing of the USS Cole, during clashes that took place between southern forces and forces loyal to the government, in Al-Tariya front in Abyan governorate, South Yemen.

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