Are the Houthis Alone Behind the «Terrorist» Attacks that Struck Aden?

06-12-2021 at 4 PM Aden Time

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Aden (South24)

On Sunday evening, the security authorities in Aden revealed the members of "terrorist" cells, which they state that they were behind the bloody attacks that targeted the convoy of Aden governor and the bombing of Aden International Airport's gate last October.

The security committee said in an official statement [briefed by "South24"] that the two operations were directed and funded by the Houthis and carried out by "terrorist members", according to the investigation results with some of the arrested cell members.

On October 10, a bloody attack targeted the convoy of the governor of the capital Aden and the Minister of Agriculture in Al-Tawahi district, leaving six people dead including 3 journalists, and local citizens. Meanwhile, an additional attack on the 30th of the same month targeted "innocent bystanders at the gate of Aden International Airport in Khormaksar", killing and wounding 35 people, including children and women.

The statement stated that "the committee confirms that the security units and associated agencies, after days of continuous and intense efforts, were able to identify the planning and executing parties for these terrorist operations, and were able to arrest a number of those involved. Some of the arrested made important confessions acknowledging the involvement of these parties in the planning and executing of the two terrorist operations".

In the attack on the governor’s convoy, “investigations proved that the planning and executing parties consisted of a joint cell, funded and directed by the Houthis, with the engagement of terrorist members led by Mohammad Ahmad Yahya al-Maisari, and Ahmad Ali Ahmad al-Mashdali al-Baydani.”

The planning and executing party for the airport gate attack "consisted of a network directed and financed by the Houthi militia, and with the implementation of terrorist members led by the so-called Saleh Wadih Saleh Al-Haddad." According to the statement.

Yemeni Government Officials!

The statement revealed that "the main perpetrators of the two terrorist operations are individuals who follow one of the leaders of the military brigades," referring to the notorious commander of the Transportation Brigade in the Yemeni government Amjad Khaled who was mentioned by one of the interrogated "terrorist" cell members.

The security authorities shared a video clip of the confessions of "Adel Radman and Farouq Khaled", in which they explained the details of the two operations. The latter admitted the relationship of the main official responsible for the Aden airport gate bombing, Saleh Wadih, with the commander of the pro-Islah "National Yemeni Army", Amjad Khaled.

Amjad Khaled's name was repeatedly mentioned during the investigations.

Amjad Khaled, who has a close relationship with Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, and enjoys a protection by parties within the Arab Coalition.

The security statement said that "we will contact senior officials to take the necessary measures regarding" Amjad's relationship with the attack members.

Amjad Khaled's name was mentioned in a number of security incidents and attacks that targeted media journalists and public officials in the city of Aden.

The director of Criminal Investigations Department in Aden, Major General Saleh Al-Qemli, revealed last June to "South24" that "there are five suspects" in connection with the crime of assassinating AFP photographer, journalist Nabil Al-Quaiti, "They are fighting on behalf of Amjad Khaled, who is known for his loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood militia [Islah]".

Al-Qemli said that these elements "are being protected by pro- government military leaders and are hiding in government military bases in eastern Abyan and the West Coast."

On Sunday, the security committee called on citizens not to cover up any of the fugitive terrorist members and to cooperate with them to reveal their hiding places, and also confirms that it will offer financial rewards to anyone who informs or provides any information to the local security forces about their locations.

It added that it would refer "those involved to the judicial authorities, so that fair penal sentences can be taken."

The attacks on the governor's convoy and the gate of Aden International Airport drew wide regional and international condemnation. Especially as it coincided with intensive international and diplomatic visits to the capital Aden.

Civil society activists praised the recent security investigations and some activists described them as a "qualitative achievement", which counts for the relevant security forces in the city. 

South24 Center for News and Studies

Photo: Members accused of being behind the October, 2021 attacks in Aden, published by security authorities (Compilation: South24)

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