Al-Bahsani Suspends His Participation in PLC's Meetings

Faraj Al-Bahsani (local media)

20-04-2023 at 8 PM Aden Time


Aden (South24) 

Yemen's PLC member Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani suspended his participation in the council's meetings as a protest against the disregard for many crucial issues and urgent files in his homeland Hadramout governorate.

Informant sources said that Al-Bahsani sent a letter to PLC's Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi and its other members in which he announced suspending his participation in the council’s meetings as a protest move.

In an official statement Wednesday, STC announced its solidarity with Al-Bahsani. STC Spokesperson Ali Al-Kathiri said: "We, in the (STC), were briefed on the content of the message of Major General Faraj Salmeen Al-Buhsini, including his decision to suspend his participation in PLC's meetings".

Al-Kathiri added: "As we express our full solidarity with Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani, we call on the PLC to expedite discussing issues and files related to the Hadramout governorate, especially with regard to the security and military aspects".

The statement continued saying: "And at the forefront of that is the transfer of the forces of the first military division, which has become a shelter for elements of terrorism and extremism, from Wadi Hadramout and handing over the tasks of securing and managing the Wadi and Desert to the people of the governorate as soon as possible".

STC reaffirmed its support to the local authorities in Hadramout governorate under the leadership of the governorate’s governor, Mr. Mabkhout bin Madhi. The statement added: "We, in the STC, will continue to support the cohesiveness of Hadramout and  South  in general and the right of our people in all the governorates of South to manage their affairs on the ground".

Related: Al-Zubaidi and Al-Alimi Return to Aden

On a private Saudi plane, Rashad Al-Alimi returned to Aden from Riyadh along with STC's President and PLC's Member Aidrous Al-Zubaidi.

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