South Yemen: The SBF Arrest a Terrorist Cell, Including Saudis

The 7 members of the arrested cell (South24 Center compilation)

27-05-2023 at 2 PM Aden Time

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Lahj (South24)

Yesterday, the Security Belt Forces (SBF) in South Yemen arrested a terrorist cell of 7 people, including 4 Saudis, in Yafaa area of Lahj governorate.

Senior security sources told "South24 Center" that 7 gunmen affiliated with ISIS attempted to cross from the Northern governorate of Al-Bayda, which is controlled by the Houthis, to Wadi Hatib in Yafaa region.

The SBF overthrew the cell, which was in possession of weapons, explosives, bombs, an explosive belt, and pro-ISIS slogans, which is on the terrorist list in Aden and majority of countries worldwide.

AIC TV stated that "the Southern forces arrested 7 members, including a prominent ISIS official and others of Arab nationality, while trying to infiltrate from Al-Bayda governorate to Wadi Hatib in Yafaa."

Initial information obtained by the "South24 Center" indicates that the cell is part of a plan to control areas in Abyan governorate, where the Southern forces are launching continuous campaigns to pursue AQAP members.

"South24 Center" learned that the cell was transferred to an interrogation center in Lahj governorate. The security forces have not issued an official statement yet, and it is expected that a statement will be issued upon completion of the investigations.

Private security sources revealed to "South24 Center" the identity of the 7 cell members:

1- Mohammed Misfer Marei Al-Qahtani (Saudi)

2- Murad Mohammed Al-Fifi (Saudi)

3- Ali Saleh Al-Fifi (Saudi)

4- Abdullah Rashid Al-Bajmi (Saudi)

5- Mohammed Abdullah Salem (Yemeni)

6- Mohammed Fadl Mohammed (Yemeni)

7- Hussein Mohammed Rashid (Yemeni)

Also, sources specialized in terrorism affairs reported that the Saudi "Mohammrd Misfer Marei Al-Qahtani" is a top ISIS commander, nicknamed "Abu Shamekh Al-Qahtani", and he was an officer in the Saudi Air Force.

According to the sources, Al-Qahtani had pledged allegiance to ISIS in a video earlier. The sources claimed that the Houthis provided protection to Al-Qahtani in Sanaa and allowed him to visit many political security prisoners there.

Talking to "South24 Center", a senior security source in the Southern forces accused the Iran-backed Houthi militia of sending an ISIS cell led by Al-Qahtani to carry out terrorist operations in South Yemen.

The security source did not rule out that the Houthis had succeeded in introducing other cells to strike Aden and other Southern cities. The source talked about a coordination between the Houthis, AQAP and ISIS against the Southern forces.

During the past two weeks, the Southern forces in Shabwa governorate were subjected to five attacks, four of them by drones, some of which were claimed by AQAP.

Related: AQAP Claim Drone Attacks Against the Southern Forces

AQAP used drones for the first time against the Southern forces, after the Houthis had monopolized this technology since 2015. The attacks against the Shabwa Defense Forces wounded a security commander and injured several soldiers.

South24 Center

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