Hadramout: Security campaign in Mukalla pursues outlaws

Image: Hassan bin Sumaida

04-10-2023 at 4 PM Aden Time


Hadramout (South24)

Yesterday, the Security Committee of Hadramout governorate announced the commencement of a large security campaign in the city of Mukalla to pursue “wanted persons and outlaws”, with the participation of the army.

A statement issued by the committee said: “The army and security forces in the city of Mukalla carried out Operation 'Scales of Justice', which targeted numerous outlaws who were subject to judicial rulings due to their acts of riots, misconduct, and lawlessness".

Mukalla’s security forces said that one of their soldiers was shot while participating in the operation, which was led by Hadrami Elite Forces and Secondary Military District forces. 

The governor of Hadramout, Mabkhout bin Madi, said in television statements: “The operation in Mukalla was implemented with great success. We have issued a call for the [remaining wanted outlaws] to surrender.”

Bin Madi pointed out that among those wanted, “there is no one wanted in connection with terrorist cases.”

The Second Military District command, deployed on the coast of Hadramaut, said, "the security operation will continue until its results are achieved and all those wanted by security and justice, and who participated in the riots, terrorizing of citizens, and blocking of streets in the city of Mukalla, are arrested."

Following the campaign, Mukalla security authorities have faced accusations of using excessive force during operations. A video circulating on social media shows the moment soldiers stormed a house to arrest a man in front of his children.

In response to questioning from the South24 Center, Brigadier General Yusser Khairallah, Head of the Second Military District’s Guidance Division, confirmed the authenticity of the video and its connection to the security operation.

 “The operation was carried out under coercive directives from the Public Prosecution. However this person, and others, did not respond to requests to appear,” Khairallah said. 

The security official explained that the alleged suspect who appeared in the video was firing on the security personnel from the window of his house before the building was raided. Khairallah claimed that the screaming of the man’s wife, as seen in the video, was a “theatrical act”.

In 2016, Hadrami Elite Forces, with UAE and Saudi support, were able to expel AQAP from the coast of Hadramaut, following the fall of the city of Mukalla in 2015 and subsequent departure of Northern forces.

In recent years, the areas surrounding the coast of Hadramout have been characterized by calm, stability, and security. As a result, Mukalla has received successive visits from ambassadors of major countries.

South24 Center

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