Global Hunger Index: Yemen Faces an «Alarming» Level of Famine

02-12-2021 الساعة 7 مساءً بتوقيت عدن


Zurich (South24) 

Yemen, with the second-highest 2021 GHI score at 45.1, faces an alarming level of hunger and the threat of famine in 2021. According to the Global Hunger Index report on Thursday.

According to the report, which South24 reviewed, All of Yemen’s GHI indicators are concerning, with a prevalence of undernourishment of 45.4 percent.

Yemen ranked 115th out of 116 countries, just before Somalia. The index measured from least hungry countries to worst.

The Global Hunger Index is an annual report issued by Germany's "Welt Hunger Hilfe" and Ireland-based "Concern Worldwide".

Yemen ranked 115th out of 116 countries, just before Somalia. The index is measured from least hungry countries to worst (extracted from the report, South24).

The report said that the child stunting rate in Yemen is estimated at 51.4%, the child wasting rate estimated at 15.1%, and a mortality rate for children under age five of 5.8%.

According to the report, since 2014/2015 Yemen has been engulfed in a civil war characterized by escalating violence, restrictions on imports through the country’s ports, and a near cessation in payment of government salaries, affecting up to 30 percent of households. 

The report said that these factors have created a food security crisis in Yemen.

More than 5 million Yemenis are on the verge of famine and tens of thousands of Yemenis already face famine-like conditions.

According to the report, Syria and Yemen are further examples of protracted armed conflicts with profound crises of food insecurity, ill health, and social trauma. Support for these countries must address the livelihood needs of hard-hit, long-suffering communities so they can, in time, generate food security for themselves. If not, the cycle of grievance will continue, potentially fueling a resurgence of violent conflict.

For other countries, the report provided some good news as well. Several countries have continued to improve their scores on the Global Hunger Index in recent years. Bangladesh, Gambia and Guatemala are among those that have fallen from "serious" to "moderate" since 2012. 

South24 Center for News and Studies

Photo: Xinhua

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